About Practicals Rental Lighting

The legacy of lights collected and taken care of for over 20 years, by our loved friend and former boss John Kennedy now has a new home and ownership.

Ryan Elmer is a former film school student who discovered his love for shades and outlets very early in his career and is dreaming big. Very thankful he was at the right spot in time to "help" John retire and buy the company of him, Ryan has big plans and responsibilities nurturing all these wonderful light fixtures, safe to say, the biggest decorative light collection in the Lower Mainland, if not in all of Canada. And it is not an easy job for sure. We very much appreciate all the trust and support we are getting from our Set decoration friends and Vancouver based Productions, as we are here for you and could not do it without you :)

The show must go on, the lights keep on rolling and it is no surprise our inventory is mentioned first in the good old "LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!"


Practicals Rental Lighting Inc.
91 Golden drive, Coquitlam BC V3K 6R2
+1 604 437 9400
Monday - Friday 9AM - 6PM